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Assessed via the Settings menu which is available by clicking on the icon (  ) located in the the top-right of the application.


What are 'Workspaces'

How to add a Workspace

How to update a Workspace

How to remove a Workspace

Workspace Logo

Updating a Workspace logo

What are 'Workspaces'

Workspaces are a grouping of various data elements that make up a set of resources. Using these resources, data from selected social and chat channels are captured and stored, ready for interaction and/or interrogation by a number of provided tools and visual components. 

How to add a Workspace

  1. Select the Workspaces option from the Settings menu.
  2. Click on the Add Workspace button located at the bottom of the Users page. An entry form is displayed to the right of the list ready for information entry.
  3. Enter a name for the workspace. This should be provide a good indication as to the information that this workspace provides (e.g. Company product 1).
  4. Enter a detailed description of the workspace.
  5. Update the Workspace Logo as required.
  6. Click on the Save button to confirm.

The application stores the information and adds the role to the displayed list.

How to update a Workspace

  1. Select the Workspaces option from the Settings menu.
  2. Select the Workspace to be amended from the list of available Workspaces. The details of the selected workspace will be displayed to the right of the list.
  3. Amend the Workspace details and Workspace Logo as required.
  4. Click on the Save button to confirm.

The application stores the updated information, including the information displayed in the list of workspaces.

How to remove a Workspace

  1. Select the Workspaces option from the Settings menu.
  2. Select the Workspace to be removed from the list of available Workspaces.  The details of the selected Workspace will be displayed to the right of the list.
  3. Click Remove.
  4. Double check that the correct workspace is selected and then click to confirm the removal.  

The application removes the workspace and the displayed is updated.

Workspace Logo

This is an image that is representative of the selected workspace, which is displayed within the application as an aid to workspace recognition.  This can be uploaded via a supplied file into the application. ( See Supported Formats )

Updating a Workspace logo

  1. Select the Workspaces option from the Settings menu.
  2. Select the workspace to be amended from the list of available workspaces. The details of the selected workspace will be displayed to the right of the list.
  3. Click the Browse button
  4. Select the file containing the image to be uploaded. A preview of the image is displayed.  If the image is too big, then a frame is displayed allowing for a section of the image to be selected.
  5. Click Save to confirm.

The application stores the updated image and the display is updated.

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